South Salem Commuter Rail Stop Working Group created to assist with the Conceptual Design Phase of the South Salem Train Stop Project
Neighborhood Meeting held to review initial plans for South Salem Train Stop
Participated in Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) for the Jefferson Avenue Corridor
Applied for and received federal funding for the Conceptual Design Phase of the South Salem Train Stop Project
Selected by the Mayor to serve on the City’s Economic Development Recovery and RevitalizationTask Force (EDDR) to assist the business community during the pandemic and post-pandemic
Appointed to serve as a member of the Harbor Plan Update Committee, the Shetland Redevelopment Working Group, and the Salem 400+ Stakeholders Group
Welcomed FRIENDSHIP of Salem home
Resurrected the Friends of FRIENDSHIP group
Continued advocacy for South Salem Train Stop
Completed development analysis of property adjacent to proposed Train Stop Project
Conducted a Strategic Planning Process to guide direction of Salem Partnership
The Salem Partnership celebrated its 30th Anniversary
Partnership prepared a Hull Survey and Maintenance Plan for Friendship
Continued advocacy for South Salem Train Stop
Continued work with Friendship Working Group
MAPC completed South Salem Economic Impact Analysis
Held Second Neighborhood Meeting for South Salem Commuter Rail Stop
Dedication of Family and Probate Court
MAPC started South Salem Economic Impact Analysis
Convened Friendship Working Group
Community Advisory Board held community forum with School Superintendent Ruiz
Retained Engineer for South Salem Commuter Rail Stop Feasibility Study
Neighborhood Meeting to present Feasibility Study findings
Successful Community Read held in August 2014
MBTA parking garage opened in October 2014
Construction began on renovation of Family & Probate Court
Community Advisory Board continues to meet two times per month and to write monthly columns for The Salem News. CAB participated in School Superintendent search process.
New Executive Director hired
Renovation of Family & Probate Court in design phase. Renovation scheduled to begin in Spring 2014
Salem Ferry in its 7th year. Additional dredging and dock work completed. Plans underway to utilize dock at Footprint Power for docking of cruise ships in Fall 2014
MBTA parking garage under construction. Completion expected in October 2014
Phase two of Pedestrian Mall renovation completed
Community Advisory Board ran four community meetings this past year. The Salem News ran weekly articles for past year as a major goal of the committee is open communication.
J. Michael Ruane Judicial Center completed.
New seawall, a paved lot and new terminal building completed at Blaney Street.
MBTA now on fast track for new parking garage.
Pedestrian Mall renovation begun.
Salem Public Schools Community Advisory Board established.
Dominion sells Blaney Street to the City of Salem allowing infrastructure plans to move forward.
Governor Patrick and Secretary of Transportation attend annual meeting and again state their commitment to a parking garage at the MBTA train station.
The renovation of the Pedestrian Mall becomes a new major project. In collaboration with the City of Salem and the PeabodyEssex, four visioning and conceptual design public meetings were held. Efforts for funding undertaken.
Port Project – establishment of a multi-purpose municipal port facility undertaken that will accommodate the ferry and also cruise ships at Blaney Street.
At the new courthouse site, road work completed and the church successfully moved.
The Creative Economy market analysis and action plan was implemented. Events were held in the ten top C.E. cities in the region and the year was celebrated with over 300 people in attendance at Endicott College.
Harbor Plan revised and approved by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Through the efforts of Senator Berry and Representative Keenan, funding was secured and a North Shore Creative Economy market analysis and action plan was prepared by Consult/Econ Inc. and Karl F. Seidman consulting services. The results documented the huge impact the Creative Economy has on the region.
Ground breaking for the J. Michael Ruane Judicial Complex.
Partnership reinitiates efforts for a parking garage at the MBTA train station as new courthouse is underway.
At a breakfast held in Boston, it was announced that legislation based on the Creative Economy action plan was being submitted that would create a state-wide Creative Economy council with seats designated for The Salem Partnership and The Enterprise Center at Salem State. Furthermore, the 1st Creative Economy Director in the nation would be hired under the Secretary of Housing and Economic Development.
Through the efforts of Senator Frederick Berry, The Salem Partnership was awarded $50,000 to run the 1st statewide conference on the Creative Economy. This conference took place on May 3, 2006, with over 200 thought leaders, government officials, and members of the creative economy in the same room for the first time. A Final Report was then published on this conference.
The Seaport Advisory Council awarded $450,000 for the construction of a pier at Blaney Street Wharf. The City of Salem purchased The Nathaniel Bowditch and the Salem/Boston ferry began operations on June 24, 2006.
Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey announced in Salem that $106 million was to be released for the renovation and expansion of the Courts Complex in Salem.
Created with The Enterprise Center at Salem State, The Creative Economy Association of the North Shore (CEANS).
Initiative undertaken to make the Salem/Boston ferry a reality.
Introduced with the Enterprise Center at Salem State, a Creative Economy Initiative.
Established the Salem Main Streets Initiative
Friendship arrives in Salem.
Implemented the Salem Ferry Demonstration Project.
The Salem Partnership celebrates ten years of success.
Actively participated in the preparation of the Salem Harbor Plan, which included recommending the creation of a harbor walkway, dredging South River, and expanding Salem Harbor’s deep water facilities to re-establish the harbor as an important economic resource in the city.
State Seaport Bond Bill approved and Lt. Governor Celluci delivers $110,000 check to Salem Seaport Partnership.
Through the efforts of Senator Berry and Representative Ruane, funding for Salem Courts in the amount of $48 million is placed in State Court Bond Bill.
President Clinton signs the Omnibus Parts and Public Lands Management Act of 1996, which officially designates Essex County as the Essex National Heritage Area.
Advocated for the building of an MBTA garage at Salem Depot in conjunction with the renovation and expansion of the courts complex.
Partnership leads the turn over of the Essex Country Court facilities to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Partnership proposes New Salem Pier Project.
National Park Service Regional Visitors Center opens.
Congress appropriates funds for Friendship and Partnership starts fundraising drive.
Historic wharves reopen at Salem Maritime Site.
Advocated for the redevelopment and expansion of Salem’s Court System, including developing a privately funded Needs Assessment Study for the Salem Courts, creating the Salem Court Study Committee and obtaining City approval for a designation expansion site.
Salem Seaport Partnership formed to promote Salem Harbor.
Students from around Essex County travel to Washington to speak to legislators about Friendship.
Partnership spearheads establishment of the Essex Heritage Commission.
Groundbreaking for NPS Salem Regional Visitors Center.
Salem Maritime Site receives 1st Federal appropriation for Friendship.
Groundbreaking for renovation of historic wharves at Salem Maritime Site.
NPS Salem Maritime Site receives Federal appropriation for the renovation and reconstruction of Derby and Central Wharves and funding for the Regional Visitors Center.
Partnership supports the new Police Station, The Salem Witch Trials Tercentenary Committee and the first NPS Maritime Festival.
Partnership assists in establishing Salem Sound 2000.
Partnership’s Adopt-A-School program begins.
Congress appropriates funds to renovate the NPS Salem Maritime Site and St. Joseph’s Polish Club renovated for educational use by the National Park Service.
Participated in the creation of The Office of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (i.e. Destination Salem).
St. Joseph’s Polish Club acquired by the National Park Service.
The Salem Partnership established.